Working At Camp Offers More Than An Internship!
While we say goodbye to a fantastic summer 2014 (our best yet!) and welcome the Fall, our attentions already turn to summer 2015 and the planning & hiring that goes with it.
More and more college students are looking for internships during their summer breaks and passionate and valued camp counselors face the yearly question of ‘do I go back to camp, or do I get an internship?’.
Check out this recent blog post by a male college student who wholeheartedly believes that being a camp counselor with all the responsibilities (AND FUN) and skills learnt is still the best way to spend your summer. Also read why this unique way of spending your summer is more acceptable and valuable to employers now more than ever. Read on..
So, for all our AMAZING staff of 2014 – remember, being a camp counselor is not only fun, but a meaningful, rewarding, worthwhile and invaluable way to spend your summer… So come on back to camp next summer!