Meet The Team: Boys Leadership
In the final installment of the Meet The Team blogs, it’s now time to learn all the about the boys Leadership Team, with the introduction of the Boys Head Counselors! LETS GO BOYS SIDE!!!
With close to 40 years of summer camp experience between them (Tom, 9, Max, 21 & Jamie, 7), this year at SRCC promises to the best yet!
Watch our Girl’s Side, he come the boys…
Max Rosen (Boys 5-7 years) – Max has been with the TLC Family of Camps since he was 4 years old – thats 21 years experience! Starting as a camper at North Shore Day Camp (9 years) and Timber Lake West (3 years), Max progressed to CIT, counselor and senior counselor at both North Shore (5 years) and Hampton Country Day Camp (4 years) before moving to Head Counselor at Southampton. Max currently holds a Batcheor’s Degree in Psychology from SUNY Buffalo, and is about to enter his final year of his Master’s of Education Degree in School Psychology from Columbia University. Max has a wealth of experience in the classroom working with elementary-aged children, and highlights his love for children as the reason he continues to come back to camp. Watch out K-2nd grade boys, this summer is going to be FUN!
Jamie Fletcher (Boys 8-11 years) – Jamie is from Southampton, England, and is excited to make Southampton, USA, his new home this summer. Jamie has an LLB (English JD) and has submitted his PhD in Law. While in England, Jamie is a university lecturer, teaching law, and a community director of a collection of local elementary schools. Summer camp, however, is where Jamie’s heart is! Having worked at summer camps throughout the USA, from Pennsylvania to Texas, he cannot wait to experience the Hamptons and to work with our campers. This will be his eighth summer working at camp and he hopes to ensure that summer 2015 will be remembered by every camper as their happiest. He wants to share our commitment to teaching campers the skills of making and keeping friends, while building their self-esteem, self-confidence, and resilience, and cannot wait to build on this with us this summer. If you ever have a question for Jamie, he is very approachable and will ensure that your needs are met.
Thomas Coffey (Director) – Tom has been part of the TLC family of camps since the summer of 2006, having previously worked at Timber Lake West and Hampton Country Day Camp. Tom began as a Soccer Director and progressed quickly to Athletic Director, Head Counselor, Associate Director, and begins his second summer as Director in Southampton. Tom works full time in our Glen Cove office on Long Island talking to parents, interviewing and hiring staff, working on things such as capital projects, camp operation, transportation, and basically everything SRCC! Tom is committed to developing every aspect of the program and maintaining high levels of customer service. Tom’s enthusiasm and dedication for SRCC is unmatched and he cannot wait for summer 2015. Tom holds both a Batchelor and Masters of Science Degree in Exercise Physiology, and is even marrying his camp sweetheart (who he met at Timber Lake West in 2009), Brigid, in Southampton this Fall!
There you have it, the whole team. Maintenance, Food Service, Health Center, Transportation, Girls Side, and Boys Side. 56 days to go!!!