Allergies, Allergies, Allergies! We’ve Got You Covered!


Food allergies in children are becoming more and more prevalent.  In the USA, the big 8 food allergies are Soy, Eggs, Milk & Dairy, Fish, Wheat (Gluten intolerance), Shellfish, and of course, Peanuts & Tree Nuts. At SRCC, we have you covered! The best recipe at camp, is the recipe for safety!

We work tirelessly year round with our Chef, Nurse, Directors, as well as numerous training courses to make sure that your children are safe at camp whilst eating nutritious lunches and snacks.  We work on a preventative approach, as well as our emergency responses.

At SRCC, we do not allow ANY outside food onto camp, or any food onto camp that has not been prepared by and checked by our kitchen.  We also have a process that forces us to check food labels during every food delivery.  We have a fully registered nurse on site at all times, and numerous staff trained in First Aid, CPR, AED and how to administer an Epi-Pen.

Check out the following article which talks about Moms and the safety of their children. ‘We’ve got you covered!’ Click here

Have any questions about your child’s allergies, or would like us to cater to other dietary needs? Give us a call to discuss! 516-953-5176.